Friday, April 9, 2010

a brief explanation...

There are two reasons am calling this project "greenbrewing." Which are: 1. my last name is green (I know, how creative!) and 2. It is my goal to begin brewing organically and with as little harm to the earth as possible.

The thought of starting this entered into my head-noodle very recently when my girlfriend (Mel) started a blog of her own.

You'll hear more about her later. It my goal to have a creative outlet, as well as to learn and teach. I expect to mostly learn.

With that said, I currently have a number of brews in the works. I have recently made an IPA, Mocha Porter, and Chocolate Porter. I have a Honey Wheat Ale conditioning in bottles which should be ready to drink within the week. I also have an Oatmeal Stout in the fermentor, ready to be bottled. Mel made her first batch of mead about two months ago and is about to be bottled as well. It is my plan to make my first gruit tomorrow. This is assuming that i can run out to the herb store and acquire some dried juniper berries. By the way a gruit is a very old style of beer that doesn't use any hops. I love hops as much as the next guy, but experiments tend to be the most fun for me. I will post recipes for these in the near future.

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