Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Beer Day!

I decided to make today beer day due to sheer boredom. I made a batch of beer that most closely resembles a black belgian or belgian porter. I think I'm going to call it "Belgian Blackout" to go with the beer I bottled a couple weeks ago that is more of a stereotypical Belgian ale named "Angry Belgian Imposter." It is "angry" because of a high alcohol content of about 14%. I also bottled an IPA I made about a week ago. It smells amazing and I can't wait to have a taste. This IPA is actually the cheapest beer I have ever made, being on a tight budget and all. I spent a total of $26 on all the ingredients. The best part is that I could have made it even cheaper, but I refuse to skimp out on hops while making an IPA. It just wouldn't be right.

The "Angry Belgian..." that I mentioned turned out really well. As you may have noticed, I'm on a belgian kick. I like them. A lot. Anyway, I really think it tastes a lot like Corsondunk (spelling?) except not quite as dry tasting. Cosondunk is a fairly popular belgian beer in the U.S. and I have found it in grocery stores most of the places I have lived (not WV).

It has been a long time since I updated this blog... I honestly forgot about it comletely for a little bit. Hopefully that won't be the case this time.

Do me a favor... have a beer.


Unknown said...

Hey brother, It's been a long time. How's things been? I see the brewing bug has a good hold on you. Are you thinking of moving up to all grain any time soon?

brewgreen said...

I'd really like to move to all grain. I've been keeping an eye out for a mash-tun. Otherwise, things are going really well. I'm actually looking into opening a hookah shop and lounge down here in New Orleans. Its great to hear from you, stay in touch.

Satan said...

also "angry" because it exploded all over the kitchen and lived in the tub for a few days, overflowing all the while...